We believe that ...
we are saved by grace alone,
through faith alone,
in Scripture alone,
to Christ alone!
we are saved by grace alone,
through faith alone,
in Scripture alone,
to Christ alone!
Lutherans keep the namesake of Martin Luther, the reformer who nailed the Ninety-Five Theses to the door of All Saints' Church in Wittenberg, Germany, in 1517, thereby starting the Reformation. Luther was an Augustinian monk who desired to reform the Roman Catholic Church, believing that he was returning to, and preserving, the truth of Scripture. Keeping this namesake is a testament that we desire the same thing ... to be one Church, but never compromising God's Word.
Sola Scriptura (Scripture alone) means that God's Word is the only source of doctrine; it is the Word alone that has power to bestow faith. As such, we teach and practice that other sources of theology must be secondary to Scripture.
Sola gratia (grace alone) means our works do not save us; it is God's free gift alone that saves us.
Sola fide (faith alone) means that the Holy Spirit alone gives us the gift of faith; it is not a choice or decision that we make.
Solo Christos (Christ alone) means that the entirety of Scripture focuses on Christ; it is the life, death, and resurrection of Christ alone that accomplishes salvation.
Sola gratia (grace alone) means our works do not save us; it is God's free gift alone that saves us.
Sola fide (faith alone) means that the Holy Spirit alone gives us the gift of faith; it is not a choice or decision that we make.
Solo Christos (Christ alone) means that the entirety of Scripture focuses on Christ; it is the life, death, and resurrection of Christ alone that accomplishes salvation.
To learn more about we believe, please read Martin Luther's Small Catechism and the rest of the Book of Concord. If you have any questions regarding our beliefs, please feel free to email Pastor Greg!